Taking part in discussions with Greater Saint Louis Chapter members is now SO EASY!
If you're already a member of CSI and of the Greater Saint Louis Chapter, you can reply and post to discussion threads right away.
If you're a "friend of the chapter" - i.e. one of the MANY great people who aren't CSI members but whom we see regularly at chapter programs and who regularly support our chapter through participation in special events and sponsorships - we can bring you into our new discussion platform right here. All you need to do is create a login at csiresources.org and let me know. I can find your account by email address and give you access to many of our basic Community features so you can stay connected.

And as always, you'll find us on social media @stlouiscsi for timely information about what we're up to.
Talk to you soon,
Michael Byrd
Original Message:
Sent: 07-17-2023 03:16 PM
From: Michael Byrd, CSI, CDT, AIA, NCARB, NOMA
Subject: Chapter Microsite and Communications
We here at the Greater Saint Louis Chapter would love to hear from you about your experience interacting with CSI and with our local chapter.
As we transition from StarChapter (our website host and messaging platform for the last several years) to the Institute's Microsite platform (a part of csiresources.org) we look forward to an easier-to-use and more connected experience for our members and for those who want to learn more about our chapter and our programs.
Change is never easy, however, so any feedback you can politely share here or with me privately would be most appreciated. I'm always available to take comments and questions directly via this platform or at mbyrd@core10architecture.com.
Thank You,
CORE10 Architecture
Saint Louis MO